Apple Bites Commentary Facts and Opinions Part 6b of 7
Commentary, Facts, and Opinion on Issues Related to Children and Education
The Enemy Within: Reasons Republicans Should Never Govern in America for the Next 75 Years
Trump's Corruption, Sedition, Racism, Threats, and Insurrection Tarnished America's Image, Values, Character, and Democratic Principles
For encouraging and supporting insurrection, sedition, hate, division, injustice, racism, and the dismantling of democratic principles and constitutional ideals and values no Republican should govern America for the next 75 years.
History is filled with examples of the rise and fall of great nations. "Barbarian" invasions, outside forces, climate change, diseases, and failure to resist or protect the nation are among the causes. History also list among the causes of the decline of great nations--the decline from within. The decline from within is the most ignored yet the most visual. This decline is caused by a Republican President, and his Republican allies in the Senate. They generate the decline by the things they allow and the democratic principles they deliberately violate. The people see the decline yet they fail to act. They see erosions of institutions and say, its just a little change. They allow the rise of a demagogue, and say its OK. He will change, its just his way. They allow hospitals, doctors, and first line defenders to be without, and refuse to provide needed tools, masks,ventilators, PPE equipment, and say, they have all the equipment they need, and everyone who needs a virus test can get one. They allow principles and foundations of democracy to crumble, and say, they were old, we will modernize.
Republicans allow "democracy for all" to be restricted, and say,no problem, some of us still have rights. They allow laws of oppression to come forward, and say, It only applies to a small group of people. They allow government words of hate and division, and say, they are entitle to their opinion. They witness and allow injustice and brutality, and say, it only happens to "those people" They allow separation of families and the abuse of children , and say,they didn't look like me, not my problem. They allow the violations of the rights of women and the abuse of their bodies, and say,women didn't complain enough. The allow police officers to enter homes shoot innocent people, and murder citizen with a knee on their neck,and say its the law, police must have immunity. They allow children to be molested and kept against their will, and say they were well cared for,-their molesters were wealthy, and the children were well fed. They allow armed racist and white nationalist to kill citizens and protesters, and say,there are fine people on both sides.
They force innocent people to plead guilty and rot in jail, because they cannot afford a competent lawyer, and say, he is young, he'll be out in 20 years. They allow criminal acts and corruption by associates and pardon the guilty for their crimes. They allow Black people to be stopped ,arrested and killed, because they were driving while black and say, the victim had a broken tail light. They allow children of color to be shot and killed for walking in neighborhoods in which they lived, and say,he looked suspicious, how could he afford to live in "my" neighborhood. They ridicule women who seek abortion for unborn children they cannot afford or consent to have,and say they are not allowed to govern their own bodies, they were "just" raped, not killed, get over it. They allowed wealth to be controlled by the few and poverty to rule the lives of many,and say, they have struggled all their lives, "these people" are accustomed to poverty, no need to change. They allowed an inept President to say, get rid of voting, don't count ballots, let the Supreme Court decide the election. We stacked it in our favor. I will continue in power. We no longer need a constitution, its 234 years old. I alone can fix it, I will stay in power.
We have allowed decency, morals, respect, kindness, and truth to be removed from our democratic principles. Trump Republicans have rejected respected values, and moral fiber, and say it is a dog eat dog society and I want to be a big dog. I'll eat my neighbor. That is why we are in decline. That is the type of government we have. That is the character of the man in charge. That is the philosophy of today's Republicans and Republican Party. They are power hungry, and they will eat away at democratic principles and democracy. That is why they should not rule.
These are the Republicans that scream and hollow at women about their own bodied and say they are pro life but in reality are pro death. This is the Death Party. They have supported a president who allowed 382,866 American to die and have not said a word or provided needed help. They encourage, and adopt his philosophy. This party known that their leader has no plan to save lives resulting from Covid-19 and has no intention to do anything about it. He and his Republican Death Party will continue to lie, mislead, hold disease spreading rallies, knowing it will infect and kill some of his cult followers. They are told the virus is a hoax. Life taken early is of no importance to him. This is the party that will not help or protect school children, and completely ignore the safety of their parents.
This is the same Republican Senate that continues to support without any restraint a president who gives himself an A+ on his handling the virus. An A+ and over 382,000 citizen are dead because he deliberately mislead, lied,withheld information, and said, all was well, knowing he was exposing them to a deadly virus. This is the party and Senate who misleads and rewrite truth. He has intervened in the writing of CDC documents to reflect misinformation, myths, and hide information that would protect Americans. This is the Republican Party in which their leader and Senators proclaim their greatness. They failed to protect America. They cannot protect our democracy or environment. That is why no Republican should ever hold office for the next 75 years. The damage is great,and the feeling are deep and democracy is dying under Trumpeters and the Republicans. It will take 75 years to repair the damage done by Republicans and that may not be long enough. Their recent insurrection at the capitol is an example of the type of rule they want. Their support for the Trump lies is what they believe. They lost an election,but they want to overthrow democracy. The conclusion will make it all clear.
Knowledge erases Ignorance
" Delusions of ones greatness allows them to think they arrived, the question they failed to ask is, to what have they arrive, ."
-Dr. J T Clemons